To make a Donation now
We are often contacted by patients, their relatives or friends keen to make a donation to say thank you to East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Charity supports our trust with the generous donations you make
When you donate to our General Fund, you allow us to choose to use your donation where we think it’s needed most. Over the year, our Charity receives many requests from across the trust’s services and our Charity committee, made up of a broad range of colleagues, decide where your donation can be of the greatest benefit.
Alternatively, you can ask that your donation is used for a specific purpose such as for a campaign we are running, a particular hospital or facility, a ward or a department you may want to thank. Just make your wishes known when you donate.
You can donate to our hospitals or local community services
You can make an online donation by clicking below or you can visit our JustGiving page.
Cash or cheque donations
You can visit the cashier’s office at Conquest Hospital or Eastbourne DGH to donate. Alternatively post cheques made out to “East Sussex Healthcare NHS Charity” to St Annes House, The Ridge, St Leonards TN37 7PT.
Gift Aid
At no extra cost to you, we can claim 25p for every £1 you donate from any tax you pay in the current tax year. If you are not donating online, simply download and complete a Gift Aid form and enclose it with your donation.
Play our Lottery
You have the chance to win a £25,000 jackpot plus many other fantastic cash prizes, and at the same time you’re helping raise funds to support the work of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Charity.
Find out about our latest news and fundraising stories
Karen’s Coast-to-Coast Trek
Our Charity's Chair, Karen Manson, walked the talk and completed the arduous 192-mile Coast-to-Coast trek from St Bees to Robin Hood’s Bay coast in July raising over £1,000 for us. Karen decided to fundraise for our charity as there had been fewer fundraising...
NHS Big Tea
The NHS Big Tea is an annual event held across the NHS. Staff and members of the public hosted tea parties throughout East Sussex on and around the Birthday of the NHS in July to raise funds for the NHS. Pictured here are the Conquest Canteen staff serving tea and...
Cancer team walk for wards
The East Sussex Healthcare Cancer Team, led by Dee Daly, took part in the annual Walk for Wards from Hastings Pier to Cooden Beach raising an incredible £1,500 for their fund which supports patients during their treatment for cancer.If you’d like to walk next year get...